Scientific Advisory Board

Amb. Prof. András Balogh, PhD
Member, historian, diplomat
From 1988 to1992, Ambassador to New Delhi; from 2005 to 2010 to Bangkok. From 1995 to 1999 chief director of the Hungarian Institute for Foreign Affairs. From 2004 to 2006 chief international affairs advisor to the Prime Minister. Since 2003, chairman of the Mihály Táncsics Foundation of the Hungarian Socialist Party. In 2010, candidate of his party for the post of President of the Republic. Thereafter he was elected deputy party chairman. His research focuses on the modern history of international relations, issues related to national and ethnic minorities, Hungary’s integration efforts, and the society and economics of Southeast Asian countries. His extensive analytical authorship includes Integration and National Interest, dealing with integration issues of Hungary, while the co-authored History of Colonialism, 1870–1955 highlights critical points of colonial systems. Nation and Nationalism, with his co-authorship, portrays the development of nation concepts in the Third World.